
We do marketing that brings immediate results and builds long-term demand for your brand by using the MVG-MRACE®-model

We plan and implement our clients’ marketing using a two-phase marketing model. The model enables marketing to produce immediate measurable results and develop your brand’s appeal.

With the strategic Market-Value-Growth model, we create an executive-level marketing strategy aligned with the company’s business goals. We respond to the competitive situation, changes in customer behaviour, and technological development.

With the tactical MRACE® model, we implement digital marketing at a practical level according to the strategy. It ensures that tactical-level activities are consistent across different channels, increasing results and the ability to measure.

Strategic leverage for marketing with the Market-Value-Growth (MVG) model

The Market-Value-Growth model provides you with a marketing strategy tailored to your competitive situation.

The model is especially well-suited for companies that want to secure their growth for years to come, get rid of ad hoc feeling and campaign-like marketing, and develop their business to better respond to customers’ digitalized buying processes.

Market = we must first know the current market situation and the changes occurring in it

Value = so that we can create value for selected target groups that competitors are unable to match

Growth = because only then can we create a marketing strategy that fuels growth

These three areas are further divided into 7 subcategories, which together form the actual marketing strategy.


  1. changes in customer behavior
  2. changes in the competitive situation
  3. technological development


  1. marketing objectives
  2. crystallizing competitive advantages and differentiation factors by buyer persona
  3. crystallizing the value proposition and core messages


  1. executive-level marketing strategy, which includes a ready-to-implement channel, content, and customer lifecycle strategies.

The marketing strategy has three main objectives:

  1. clarify your company’s buyer personas and the core messages targeted at them, so that tactical-level marketing is more cost-effective and produces better results
  2. respond correctly to changes in your customers’ buying behavior and the digitalization of buying processes
  3. strengthen your company’s brand and thus create longer-term demand that is not tied to today’s marketing activities

MRACE® model – Efficiency for tactical-level marketing

With the MRACE® model, we implement and manage our client companies’ digital marketing at a tactical level.

The model consists of the basic elements of marketing: Reach, Act, Convert, Engage, and Measure, so it is suitable for B2B and B2C companies of any size.

Thanks to the model, marketing produces better results because it directs all channels towards the same common goals. It creates synergy between channels and unifies marketing, making marketing more measurable, faster to develop, and easier to manage.

When tactical marketing is implemented with a marketing strategy based on the strategic Market-Value-Growth model, the company strengthens its position among the desired target group in the long term as well, making marketing a true engine of growth and competitive advantage for the company.

Reach = We make you discoverable to your target group and drive relevant visitor traffic to your site.

Act = We convert visitor traffic into leads by creating content that supports buyer personas’ buying processes.

Convert = We support the sales process and the conversion of leads into sales through various channels, whether the sales process is a day or years long.

Engage = We engage customers with your company and turn them into regular customers and advocates to ensure true growth.

Measure = We measure everything so that we can develop marketing with the right actions at the right time.

With the MVG and MRACE® models, marketing is created based on the competitive situation and customer needs

First, we need to understand your industry’s competitive situation and your company’s buyer personas. Then, we can create marketing that differentiates your company from your competitors and speaks to your customers.

The competitive situation and the needs of buyer personas must be known so that companies’ real differentiating factors can be identified.

We build buyer personas based on buyer persona-specific drivers, which is usually a problem or need that your product or service can solve.

Buyer personas are built on these themes

  • Purchase desire = why does this buyer persona want to invest money in your service?
  • Must-have values = what things, features, and outcomes must the service have for them to even consider investing money in your service
  • Differentiators = what things increase the likelihood that they will invest money in your service specifically
  • Purchase barriers = what things prevent the buyer persona from investing money in your service
  • Buying process = how does the whole process proceed and who is involved?
  • Post-purchase behavior = how do we engage the customer with the company
  • Buyer persona’s level of product awareness = how detailed is the buyer persona’s knowledge of the product or service?
Tietoisuuden tasot akselilla on 5 eri tietoisuuden tasoa. Se alkaa täysin tietämättömästä kohderyhmästä ja päättyy täysin tietoiseen. Täysin tietämätön voidaan nähdä täysin kylmänä yleisönä, joka vaatii vielä paljon lisää tietoa ennen ostamista, kun taas täysin tietoinen on jo valmis ostamaan ja pitää vain ohjata ostamaan oikea tuote. Tietoisuuden tasot kylmimmästä kuumimpaan ovat: täysin tietämätön, ongelmatietoinen, lopputulostietoinen, tuotetietoinen ja täysin tietoinen.

The level of product awareness of buyer personas determines what should be said to them

There are 5 different levels of awareness on the awareness level axis. It starts with a completely unaware target group and ends with a fully aware one. A completely unaware persona can be seen as a completely cold audience that still requires a lot more information before purchasing, while a fully aware persona is ready to buy and just needs to be directed to purchase the right product. The levels of awareness from coldest to hottest are: completely unaware, problem aware, solution aware, product aware, and most aware.

There are five levels of product awareness.

Most aware customer

The most aware customer knows your products and knows they want to buy the product from you specifically.

Marketing focus: your products and brand

Product aware customer

The product aware customer knows your products but doesn’t know if they should buy it from you or a competitor.

Marketing focus: your product’s differentiating factors and the outcomes they produce, e.g. in the form of reference stories

Solution aware customer

The solution aware customer knows the outcome they want but doesn’t know how or with what product they can achieve it.

Marketing focus: the outcome the customer wants and how the customer can get there with your product

Problem aware customer

The problem aware customer recognizes their problem but doesn’t know how to start solving it correctly.

Marketing focus: the problem the customer is experiencing and how they should start solving it

Completely unaware customer

The completely unaware customer does not recognize their problem or the symptoms or consequences resulting from it.

Marketing focus: the customer must be made to recognize themselves from the marketing message and notice their problem or latent need

With the buyer personas based on our model, we have all the information about what it takes to acquire that buyer persona as your paying customer.

Based on that information, we start planning buyer persona-specific content and channel strategies.

With content and channel strategies, we can utilize exactly the right channels and the right messages at the right point in the customer’s buying process in tactical-level marketing.

They allow your site structure to become clear, supporting the development of your brand, customer conversion, and your position as a thought leader in the topic.

In addition, we build buyer persona-specific value propositions. The value proposition tells how the buyer persona gets the value they want through your product or service and how it differs from competitors.

With a content strategy, we create a customer journey-like structure for your site

The structure is not clear, so expertise remains hidden.

The structure is clear, allowing expertise to come through.

How does MRACE® fuel your company’s growth?

The best way to engage customers with your company is to acquire customers who buy from you because of the value you produce.

If a customer gets the value they want from you, it’s easy for them to engage with your company.

When we focus marketing on acquiring these kinds of customers, marketing starts to fuel growth in two ways that are no longer dependent on what marketing and sales do today.

Good customers bring other similar good customers with them

Repeating a resonant core message in the same way makes it stick in the mind

Branding is about repeating messages that are good for your customers day after day, year after year, in a similar, truthful, and differentiating way.

As a result, your company’s brand starts to develop according to the strategy.

Brand development is a significant competitive advantage, because it attracts the desired kind of customers and competitors cannot copy it.

All of this is easy to manage when day-to-day activities are based on one clear MRACE® model

In how many different channels are you currently doing marketing? Are they all taking you towards the same goal? If the results from marketing start to decline, what part of marketing do you start fixing? And by developing which phase will you get the biggest improvements in results?

The above questions are easy to answer when marketing has a model.

MRACE® guides action

MRACE® visualizes all your marketing in one picture, making managing it easier. When we notice a marketing challenge, it doesn’t raise questions but initiates action.

MRACE® makes marketing customer-centric

With MRACE®, we build your marketing around buyer personas’ buying processes. We can’t change their buying process, but we can support and guide it in the direction we want.

MRACE® makes marketing data-driven

We create our own KPI metrics for each phase of the MRACE® model for each channel we use. Only by measuring can we take the right actions to develop marketing.

MRACE® integrates with any company and any strategy

The MRACE® model is so straightforward that it is suitable for the marketing of any company to support any kind of business goals.

MRACE® simplifies marketing management

The model guides the tactical implementation of marketing. It unites different channels, prevents their siloing, and enables marketing to be managed in the desired direction. This way, marketing focuses on the right things, and the focus doesn’t slip to thousands of SaaS services that sound fun.

A marketing model creates a foundation for developing marketing and sales, makes marketing customer-centric, and ensures that the goals of different channels are aligned.

Without a model, the structures for systematically increasing sales and demand are missing.

You get access to a marketing team – not a single expert

Even if you threw a javelin 90 meters, you wouldn’t even make it past the qualifying rounds in discus. The same principle applies to marketing. One expert cannot master all marketing channels at a world-class level.

That’s why our experts focus on becoming the best in only one channel of their choice. This way, we can offer our clients a marketing team consisting of deep experts in each channel. We don’t believe that our clients could achieve a competitive advantage through marketing with the help of a single expert who knows a little bit of everything.

We know from experience that our clients achieve a competitive advantage with the help of a marketing team consisting of experts who fully master their own channel.

The MRACE® model combines the expertise of our more than 50 experts into a package that provides your company with all the necessary resources for making your digital marketing successful.

Using content about the MRACE® model as a source

You can use our content about the MRACE® model as a source in a thesis or other content. Because it is a registered trademark, note the spelling: MRACE® is written with the ® trademark symbol. When citing sources, we ask you to link to the url of this page as a source or add it to the bibliography.